Boustane, literally meaning « garden » is actually a legitimate space for ideas stemming, for both shades and lights. A sensational space, that carries you out to distant and secret places. Right in his patch, Boustane seeds signs that grow plenty for his own bliss and ours.
What a real array of colors and tales.
Through a game of Arabic lettering that melts to signs, our artist masterfully interprets a cultural identity into a visual one that is so striking to see and contemplate. The letter is there, self satisfied, needles for it to say something, but simply to be and exist. Calligraphy is for our artist a passion and love of the letter in all its forms, Every painting is an open space for Arabic lettering to set free and release its senses, its fragrances and all its possible breaches.
Boustane indulges into this art, not for the purpose of writing but mainly to marvel with the lettering shapes not with their meaning.
Boustane masterfully reconciles the freedom of creation and firmness that lettering requires.
If lettering is meant to be a means to convey information, a certain knowledges, and embodying of a culture, Boustane enhances this means to an artistic status that he would draw on for several features.
Each art work of Boustane is a genuine theater scene on which stage, there are masses of skirmishing signs and symbols each other over a better appearance and more exposure at the surface of Boustane’s art scene.
Rachid Boukheir
Translated by Abdel Karim Raddadi
2011 | « BOUSTANE ». Galerie Agora. Marrakech (Maroc)
2010 | « LES FILS DE MEMOIRE ». Sharjah (EAU)
2016 | Islamic Art Forum. Abu Dhabi (Emirats Arabes Unis)
2013 | « HALL OF FAME ». David Bloch Gallery. Marrakech (Maroc)
2012 | « LES NUITS D’ORIENTS ». Dijon (France)
2011 | Musée de Selves. Alger. Sharjah (EAU)
2011 | Exposition au Carrefour des Arts. Casablanca (Maroc)
2010 | Réalisation d’un ouvrage conceptuel intitulé « Ivresse de L’Exil ». Sharjah (EAU)
2010 | Invité au Festival de la Calligraphie à Alger (Algérie)
2000 | Musée de Selves (France)
2012 | Premier Prix de la Biennale Internationale de la Calligraphie. Sharjah (EAU)
2009 | Deuxième Prix du Festival International de la Calligraphie à Alger (Algérie)
2008 | Invité médaillé à la Biennale de Sharjah de la Calligraphie (EAU)
2004 | « LES JARDINS DE CREATION ». Président d’Honneur de l’association. Seyssel (France)
2004 | « AMBRE ». Membre fondateur de l’association (Maroc)
2004 | Participant Socio-Culturel. Maroc – France
2004 | Membre Fondateur avec Fabienne Courmont de « La Danse de lettre »